日式醬燒單骨牛小排 Japanese Style Bone-in Short Rib
單骨牛小排 300g
醬油 30ml
味醂 30ml
清酒 30ml
水 15ml
蒜頭碎 5g
砂糖 5g
無鹽奶油 5g
蔥絲 8g
白芝麻 適量
* 單骨牛小排前一晚放置冷藏退冰,完全退冰後擦乾表面
1. 撒上海鹽醃製5分鐘
3. 放入油,將牛小排下鍋煎至表表面出水後翻面
4. 翻面後繼續煎約30秒
5. 放入蒜頭碎爆香
6. 加入醬油、味醂、清酒、水、砂糖維持中火收汁
7. 放入無鹽奶油待溶化
8. 灑上白芝麻及以蔥絲裝飾
Bone-in short ribs 300g
Soy sauce 30ml
Mirin 30ml
Sake 30ml
Water 15ml
Chopped garlic 5g
White sugar 5g
Unsalted butter 5g
Optional for decoration:
Sliced spring onion 8g
White sesame
(Adjust ingrediets by ratio referring the weight of meat)
* Freezed meat should unfreeze a night before using, wipe the surface before cooking
1. Use salt to pickle the meat by 5 mins
2. Heat a pan with medium high heat, pouring oil until smoke gives out
3. Turn over the meat until thin blood diffused on the meat surface
4. Pan-fry for about 30 seconds
5. Add chopped garlic into the pan
6. Add soy sauce, mirin, sake, water and sugar until they dissolve and becomes thick
7. Add unsalted butter and stir fry until it melts
8. Decorate with white sesame and spring onion
單骨牛小排 300g
醬油 30ml
味醂 30ml
清酒 30ml
水 15ml
蒜頭碎 5g
砂糖 5g
無鹽奶油 5g
蔥絲 8g
白芝麻 適量
* 單骨牛小排前一晚放置冷藏退冰,完全退冰後擦乾表面
1. 撒上海鹽醃製5分鐘
3. 放入油,將牛小排下鍋煎至表表面出水後翻面
4. 翻面後繼續煎約30秒
5. 放入蒜頭碎爆香
6. 加入醬油、味醂、清酒、水、砂糖維持中火收汁
7. 放入無鹽奶油待溶化
8. 灑上白芝麻及以蔥絲裝飾
Bone-in short ribs 300g
Soy sauce 30ml
Mirin 30ml
Sake 30ml
Water 15ml
Chopped garlic 5g
White sugar 5g
Unsalted butter 5g
Optional for decoration:
Sliced spring onion 8g
White sesame
(Adjust ingrediets by ratio referring the weight of meat)
* Freezed meat should unfreeze a night before using, wipe the surface before cooking
1. Use salt to pickle the meat by 5 mins
2. Heat a pan with medium high heat, pouring oil until smoke gives out
3. Turn over the meat until thin blood diffused on the meat surface
4. Pan-fry for about 30 seconds
5. Add chopped garlic into the pan
6. Add soy sauce, mirin, sake, water and sugar until they dissolve and becomes thick
7. Add unsalted butter and stir fry until it melts
8. Decorate with white sesame and spring onion